





儘管本地網上拍賣人數仍然鳳毛麟角,但eBay仍相當重視本地市場。東南亞eBay總監Sam McDonagh解釋:“大馬的物品有特色,不僅可在本地賣,還可賣去全世界。”






















如果貨物是運送到外國,她最常用的是Pos Malaysia的航空郵寄(Air Mail)。若只寄送給國內買家,她就會用掛號郵件。不過,她並不鼓勵賣家用COD(貨到付款)的付款方式,反而一定是先收錢後交貨。她解釋:“用COD 的話,有時候買家不在家,或後悔了不要收貨,我就做不成買賣,還得倒貼郵寄費,所以,我不鼓勵大家用COD方式。”


另一方面,兩年前才接觸到eBay拍賣網站的Vijay Naidu,從未想過要靠網上拍賣為生。但,經過學習和嘗試後,現在他卻全職在網上拍賣汽車裝飾品。他每週辛勤地工作大概56小時(平均每天約6小時),每月的收入介於5000至1萬2000令吉。


網上拍賣的付款交易,除了以信用卡交易外,大部分都用PayPal交易系統。(當然還有其它付款方式,如現金存款、互聯網銀行過賬、郵政匯款、 Wang Pos等。)不過,以前PayPal並不允許本地PayPal用戶把錢轉進本地銀行,也無法從本地銀行提款。因此,以前用PayPal拍賣賺到了錢的本地用戶,大都無法兌換成現款,只能用PayPal裏面的錢上網消費。

據東南亞eBay總監Sam McDonagh表示,2007年9月分,PayPal宣佈允許馬來西亞的PayPal用戶,把PayPal戶頭內的錢,轉賬到本地的VISA信用卡、 Debit card(賒賬卡)或預付卡內。這樣,這些VISA卡的本地持卡人,就能花費PayPal轉賬來的錢。(有興趣了解詳情的讀者,不妨到PayPal網站 www.paypal.com去查詢。)

MOL SafePay保兩邊

無獨有偶,我國的MOL也乘著eBay推出新版本時跟eBay合作,讓eBay用戶在網站上使用該公司的MOL SafePay付款系統。

這種安全的MOL SafePay網上付款系統,保護買賣雙方為主。當買家成功標得物品用MOL SafePay付款時,買家的錢將進入MOL SafePay系統的“浮動賬戶”內。賣家收到通知,即運送物品給有關買家,買家確定收到物品,即通知MOL SafePay過賬給賣家,被扣除了佣金的錢,就會進入賣家的MOL Freedom預付卡內。用戶可到相關銀行提出有關款項,或直接用預付卡來消費。欲知詳情,請瀏覽safepay.mol.com網站。












在日本、台灣,甚至是歐盟國家,這樣窮忙的人叫做“窮忙族”或者稱為在職貧窮者(working poor)。這種現象根據分析,起因於企業一方面減少正式員工的聘用,一方面增加派遣、約聘等非正式員工的任用以降低成本。窮忙族最主要的特點是工時長、薪資報酬與工時不成正比。











最近就有人開始反思消費主義。美國一名製片人摩根斯普洛克推出了一部記錄片《What Would Jesus Buy》,呼籲美國人在感恩節和聖誕節,關注在消費上過於奢侈的問題。他指出,美國公眾大規模的消費行為將會產生不良的後果,這種過度的消費主義對社會的發展並不能起到全面推進的作用。









物價高漲,整天都在嚷錢不夠用的今天,那位嗓音甜美說話如流水般的銀行小姐那一句“送錢給你花,難道你不要”如雷轟頂,那一刻我確實愣了一下, 突然有人送錢上門來,“難道你不要”?不過沒3秒鐘,腦袋回過神後,我還是“不需要、不需要、不需要”地再三回絕那位“送錢來”的財神小姐。









Millions in Business From Ten Simple Ideas

In business, I've learned that much technology is overhyped and misrepresented. Every day I deal with stuff that doesn't work as promised. But there's a bright spot: Even in the vast wasteland of crappy software and unreliable hardware, I have found some ideas of technology recommendations that are worth considering for this year.

1. Increase your network bandwith.
Faster is better. Just ask Laurie. She found that the faster she could enter an invoice, print a check, or record a customer order, the faster she could get on to the next productive task. When was the last time you had a computer nerd visit your office to do something productive? And I mean other than the 148 times he was in to fix broken stuff. Laurie brought in her propeller head, gave him a big bag of pork rinds, and marched him off with these orders: Review my network and tell me how I can make things faster! Laurie's guy did this review for free, especially after she hinted that she was looking at other IT guys to make recommendations. Once he finished choking on his pork rinds, he set off to work. And guess what he found? Lots of ways to speed things up and improve Laurie's life—a new router, a new hub, more memory for her server, a better husband. Technology gets faster and faster every year. Make your network go faster and you'll immediately save a few bucks. Laurie ultimately passed on the husband upgrade. Don't you just love a happy ending?

2. Set up remote access.
Work isn't done just between the four walls of your office. Get with the program! People like to do work over lattes. They like to access their files while driving down the turnpike. They want to send e-mails while getting a lap dance. Remote access tools are inexpensive and easy to deploy. Try a site like www.logmein.com and you can set up, for free, a password-secured Internet connection to a computer. This way, remote people can access information anytime, anywhere. Or set up Windows Terminal Server ($99 per user) or Citrix (definitely more than $99 per user) for simultaneous access by multiple users to a single server. Buy cheapo laptops for your people (especially the ones getting lap dances). All you need is a wireless card and an Internet browser. Set them loose on the world and let them access their programs from anywhere there's a Wi-Fi connection. Be careful they don't rack up too many overpriced coffees at Starbucks or you can say goodbye to any productivity savings.

3. Create a few key reports.
Norman promises me that this is the year he's going to face reality: getting information from his accounting system is a pain in the butt and he's going to do something about it. Every business owner I know, like Norman, complains about how difficult it is to get reports from their business systems. "C'mon, friend," I say to Norman. "Don't you think the guy who sold you the software needs to feed his family, too? How is he supposed to grab extra consulting dollars from you if you could actually create reports?" Norman finally woke up. He now understands that reports are difficult to write because not only does he have to understand the reporting software, but he also needs to get his arms around the complexities of his systems' database. He's smart enough to do this, but thankfully not stupid enough to waste the time. So he promises to bite the bullet this upcoming year. He's going to come up with three to five key reports he wants to see every day or week. He's going to hire the overpriced consultant to come in and write up the reports. A couple of grand spent on a few decent reports will save him many times over in better management of his orders, quotes, expenses, etc.

4. Get CRM already.
Full disclosure: Yes, my company sells CRM (Customer Relationship Management) systems. So my opinion is subjective. But don't feel pressured to buy what we sell. Just get something. CRM is mainstream. Take the leap in 2008. Have your employees record activities. Take notes. Share calendars. Do quotes and forecasts. Keep e-mails all in the same place. Send out consistent documents. Create a monthly newsletter. Don't look like a dope when your customers call. It's never been less expensive. You can get Microsoft Outlook's Business Contact Manager for less than $200 (or included in an upgrade to Office 2007). You can get salesforce.com for $50/month. You can take your chances on free, online systems. But get something for goodness sake! CRM systems help catch sales opportunities before they fall through the cracks. They improve customer service. They make business owners money.

5. Avoid Vista.
I think Microsoft Windows Vista is a great operating system. But then again I still think O.J. is innocent and Donald Trump's hair is real. So if you don't agree with my view, stick with Windows XP for as long as you possibly can. We will all be forced to drink the Vista Kool-Aid after Jan. 1, 2008 when no one is allowed to sell Windows XP anymore. So buy up Windows XP computers now. Delay getting Vista until the hardware really catches up. Just say no to nonfunctioning programs and incompatible devices! Microsoft will be releasing their first service pack to Vista in 2008 and that should make it ready for prime time. But you've got better things to do than monkey with an operating system that, for the time being, costs more than it returns.
6. Invest in smartphones.
Milt invested in smartphones (these are phones that also combine contact, calendar, and other office applications) for his key employees and is happy with the result. He has his people use them to communicate and keep track of their contacts and schedule. Not being a masochist, he only allows them to synchronize data from their computers to the smartphones, not both ways. He found out the hard way that synchronization isn't all it's cracked up to be, so he keeps it simple. Advised by his teenage daughter, he got an unlimited text-messaging plan for immediate communications. On the downside, he did calculate that it's quicker to fly to Los Angeles from his hometown of Boston then to check the flight status on his smartphone's browser. So he doesn't rely on the Internet yet. But do expect this all to improve in 2008 now that Apple's iPhone has shown other vendors how to do it right. Milt's investment in smartphones has increased productivity and keeps him closer to his customers and employees. And he's gotten very good at Soduku, too.

7. Outsource your phone systems.
Over two years ago we threw out our phone system and outsourced the whole headache to Virtualpbx.com. We never looked back. For about $12 per month per mailbox we get the whole phone system, complete with automated attendant, call forwarding, voicemail, etc. The best thing is that no one calling us knows we've outsourced! Even the automated attendant has an American accent! We don't have to worry about maintaining our own system or paying through the nose for a phone lease. True, we're vulnerable if their servers go down. But then again I'm vulnerable to food poisoning from that Chinese buffet down the street. And I'm still taking my chances with General Tso's chicken. Maybe your company is too big for a system like this, but if you're like me and running a company with only 10 employees, it's a great, cost-effective move for 2008. Oh, and check out gotvmail.com for price comparisons.

8. Consider an intranet.
Big Business is buying into intranets in a big way, so, like supply-side economics, it's only a matter of time before it all trickles down to smaller companies. An intranet is a Web site that's only for certain eyes: usually this means internal employees, but it can be opened up to customers and vendors, too. Here you can have one place for documents, contacts, and messages. You can create custom views of financial and other data from different systems to display on your intranet so that users can get quick access to their data. You can open it up for customers to check on their orders or vendors to check on their payment status. A big player is Microsoft Sharepoint, but others are also gaining ground.

9. Create a few alerts.
Sam, a client of mine, gets an e-mail every time a customer's invoice goes over 30 days. It always puts him in a bad mood. Why? Because late payers drive him nuts. But these alerts are a necessary evil. The minute one of these e-mails lands in Sam's in-box he's on it—calling, yelling, screaming, until he gets paid. You can go nuts like Sam, too. Most systems nowadays come with built-in alerts. You can get reminded when a quote is overdue, an order is shipped, an employee has taken too many vacation days, a salesperson is behind quota. Ask the guy who sold you the software about creating alerts and start getting information in advance before it becomes a bigger problem. True, he may charge you $500 per hour to set up a simple alert. So watch how he does it over his scrawny shoulder and do it yourself afterward. The new year should be the year of alerts.

10. Bring in main vendors for a show.
Forget reality TV. The best entertainment can be had right in your own conference room. It's called the Dog and Pony Show. You should start doing this in 2008. Here's how it works: Technology's constantly changing. You and your employees need to stay up to date. You're also kind of bored. So you bring in your technology vendor for a dog-and-pony once a year. Tell them you're considering a system change. That'll scare the crap out of them. Then they'll come marching in, for free, and tell you all the great things you could be doing with your existing systems that you're probably not doing. Come up with a bunch of nit-picking complaints about your system. This shouldn't be too tough to do. Now watch them squirm. They may offer you some new goodies to try, like new modules or tools, just to keep you happy. At the very least, they'll keep you current on all the good stuff out there that works with your systems so that you can identify any potentially useful tools to help you do things quicker and better.

The Genius Golden Tips

Albert Einstein was an amazing physicist. He figured out so many universal principles and equations that he was way ahead of his fellow scientists at any point of time. But he is also remembered for another thing; a quality which made people call him a genius: his words.

Here are things out of the numerously wonderful things he had said; 10 golden tips that you can put to use in your everyday life.

1. A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new.

2. Education is what remains after one has forgotten what one has learned in school.

3. I am enough of an artist to draw freely upon my imagination. Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world.

4. The secret to creativity is knowing how to hide your sources.

5. The value of a man should be seen in what he gives and not in what he is able to receive. Try not to become a man of success, but rather try to become a man of value.

6. There are two ways to live: you can live as if nothing is a miracle; you can live as if everything is a miracle.

7. When I examine myself and my methods of thought, I come to the conclusion that the gift of fantasy has meant more to me than any talent for abstract, positive thinking.

8. In order to be an immaculate member of a flock of sheep, one must above all be a sheep oneself.

9. You have to learn the rules of the game. And then you have to play better than anyone else.

10. The important thing is not to stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reason for existing.

Barter Business

The earliest documented records of civilizations bartering dates back over 9000 years to the Egyptians, but it is certain that Man bartered long before that. Barter is the oldest form of commerce and is still going strong, in fact with the recession strengthening more and more business owners are turning to organized barter to bolster their businesses.

It is a very simple concept - quite likely the major reason for its longevity and continued success. Barter is the exchange of goods and services for other goods and services. In essence a cashless transaction. An example is a restaurant that needs landscaping. The landscaping company does some work for the restaurant in exchange for some gift certificates. But what happens when the job is quite large and the landscape company does not want that many restaurant gift certificates, or none at all? Enter the barter exchange.

Barter companies have been around since the mid-50s in America and it is estimated that there are probably over 1400 exchanges of differing sizes and scope now in the US. Just type “barter exchange” into any Internet search engine and you will be inundated with a myriad of companies to chose from. A barter exchange steps into the one-on-one relationship that exists with traditional bartering, basically allowing businesses to trade with other businesses they have nothing in common with (or where no duality of needs exists). Take the earlier example of the landscape company. If they belonged to a reputable barter exchange they would get barter credits (usually known as barter dollars) for doing the work for the restaurant, but they could then spend that barter revenue on renting a backhoe, or getting tires for their trucks, or something equally useful to their business.

There are multiple reasons to belong to a good barter exchange, below are a few key benefits:

1. Increased revenue

2. More clients

3. Better cash flow

4. Improved efficiency

5. Greater marketing opportunities

6. Increased purchasing power

Unless a business has more work than it can handle, barter is a ‘no-brainer’ for any company. A business has all its fixed costs (rent, salaries, insurance, vehicles, machinery, etc.) whether it has one hundred customers or three hundred, if a business can take dead time or inventory that in effect is costing money and turn it into new revenue, it’s a home run. The major benefit to companies is that they get to leverage their cost of goods. Back to the landscape company, what does it really cost them to do $1000 worth of work for the restaurant? Obviously less that $1000 or they wouldn’t be in business long (usually a company’s cost of goods is 50% or less). Since barter work is absorbing their surplus time, inventory or capacity, when they barter their services they are only incurring their actual cost of goods, this means they can make purchases via the exchange for pennies on the dollar - another home run.

Organized barter companies (usually those with national scope) also have many more benefits over conventional advertising methods since they are much more proactive. Barter members call into the exchange brokerage with things they need and the brokers match those needs with other members that can fill them. There are usually fees to join, but compared to a print advertisement for example, you only pay to join once and then most exchanges are ‘pay per use’. If at all possible, when choosing a good barter company, go with one that does not encourage cash-barter blends (i.e., a portion of the transaction is cash - not strictly all barter) and join a company that insists on ‘100% trade, 100% of the time’. Any barter company that allows blends to happen usually has inflation in their economy and not too many hard goods as a consequence.

One final tip when choosing a good barter exchange, make sure they allow you to spend first - this ensures you that their barter dollars actually have tangible worth and you’ll be able to continue spending them on a long term basis. Extra revenue is fine, but if you cannot spend it, it’s as good as worthless - unfortunately some businesses have been badly hurt by less reputable barter companies this way. Most quality barter companies will actually offer a guarantee to new members that they will let you spend a barter credit balance first and get you new business. Barter is a lot of fun and with the right company can be one of the most useful business tools you ever employ.

As far as tax goes, the IRS considers all barter transactions whether directly or via an exchange exactly the same as cash revenue. Consult your tax adviser for more detailed information on how to report barter income.

Free Online Education

Getting a business education doesn’t have to be expensive. There are an increasing number of colleges, universities and nonprofit organizations offering free business courses online. Find out where you can sign up and what you can get from these cost-effective sources.

Special Note: We believe the following websites may be of interest to readers of our website, but they will take you from our website and to another organization’s website. We do not monitor their websites for content or for changing website addresses (URLs). Please inform us if the links listed on this page don’t work.

1. MIT OpenCourseWare - Sloan School of Management

2. The U.S. Small Business Administration

3. The Free Nonprofit Micro-eMBA Program

4. ‘Business Week’ Free Online Courses

5. My Own Business

6. Business Entrepreneur Courses

7. Kutztown University - Small Business Development Center

8. iLearn Small Business Courses

9. Financial Management Training Center Courses

10. State of Maine - Small Business Development Center
