
Free Online Education

Getting a business education doesn’t have to be expensive. There are an increasing number of colleges, universities and nonprofit organizations offering free business courses online. Find out where you can sign up and what you can get from these cost-effective sources.

Special Note: We believe the following websites may be of interest to readers of our website, but they will take you from our website and to another organization’s website. We do not monitor their websites for content or for changing website addresses (URLs). Please inform us if the links listed on this page don’t work.

1. MIT OpenCourseWare - Sloan School of Management

2. The U.S. Small Business Administration

3. The Free Nonprofit Micro-eMBA Program

4. ‘Business Week’ Free Online Courses

5. My Own Business

6. Business Entrepreneur Courses

7. Kutztown University - Small Business Development Center

8. iLearn Small Business Courses

9. Financial Management Training Center Courses

10. State of Maine - Small Business Development Center
