Find out how much you need to save each month to reach $500,000, $1 million of $2 million by age 65.
Age 25
You've saved: $0
To reach $500,000, what you need to save per month: $143
To reach $1 million, what you need to save per month: $286
To reach $2 million, what you need to save per month: $573
Get help from Uncle Sam: You may qualify for a retirement-savings tax credit of 10% to 50% of the amount you contribute to an IRA, 401(k) or other retirement account. The credit can reduce your tax bill by up to $1,000. To qualify, your income must be $25,000 or less if you're single, $37,500 or less if you're a head of household or $50,000 or less if you're married.
Age 35
You've saved: $0
To reach $500,000, what you need to save per month: $335
To reach $1 million, what you need to save per month: $671
To reach $2 million, what you need to save per month: $1,342
You've saved: $25,000
To reach $500,000, what you need to save per month: $152
To reach $1 million, what you need to save per month: $488
To reach $2 million, what you need to save per month: $1,159
Get help from your boss: If your employer offers a matching contribution, contribute at least enough to your 401(k) to capture the full match. Otherwise, you're walking away from free money. Try to save 15% of your gross income for retirement, including your employer match.
Age 45
You've saved: $0
To reach $500,000, what you need to save per month: $849
To reach $1 million, what you need to save per month: $1,698
To reach $2 million, what you need to save per month: $3,395
You've saved: $25,000
To reach $500,000, what you need to save per month: $640
To reach $1 million, what you need to save per month: $1,489
To reach $2 million, what you need to save per month: $3,186
You've saved: $50,000
To reach $500,000, what you need to save per month: $431
To reach $1 million, what you need to save per month: $1,280
To reach $2 million, what you need to save per month: $2,977
You've saved: $100,000
To reach $500,000, what you need to save per month: $12
To reach $1 million, what you need to save per month: $861
To reach $2 million, what you need to save per month: $2,559
Play catch-up: Aim to contribute the maximum $15,500 to your 401(k) this year or $4,000 to your traditional or Roth IRA. Once you turn 50, you can contribute an additional $5,000 in catch-up contributions to your 401(k) and an extra $1,000 to your IRA.
Age 55
You've saved: $0
To reach $500,000, what you need to save per month: $2,733
To reach $1 million, what you need to save per month: $5,466
To reach $1 million, what you need to save per month: $10,932
You've saved: $25,000
To reach $500,000, what you need to save per month: $2,430
To reach $1 million, what you need to save per month: $5,163
To reach $2 million, what you need to save per month: $10,629
You've saved: $50,000
To reach $500,000, what you need to save per month: $2,126
To reach $1 million, what you need to save per month: $4,859
To reach $2 million, what you need to save per month: $10,326
You've saved: $100,000
To reach $500,000, what you need to save per month: $1,520
To reach $1 million, what you need to save per month: $4,253
To reach $2 million, what you need to save per month: $9,719
You've saved: $200,000
To reach $500,000, what you need to save per month: $306
To reach $1 million, what you need to save per month: $3,040
To reach $2 million, what you need to save per month: $8,506
Stay on the job: Working a few years longer can boost your savings.